
Birks Foscal

A soluble fertilizer in the form of flakes that dissolves in water. It contains soluble calcium, despite the presence of a high percentage of phosphorus. It is recommended to use it through different irrigation systems because its effectiveness in the soil is better than foliar spraying.

This fertilizer is characterized by allowing the plant to absorb both phosphorus and calcium together without conflict or the formation of insoluble calcium phosphate deposits, as is the case with most traditional phosphorus sources, which directly conflict with calcium.

  • It has a strong root system and denser root hairs in the early stages and in a short time.
  • The plant helps get rid of salts, especially those containing sodium.
  • Stimulates the secretion of cytokinin hormone in plants, crops and trees.
  • Increased flowering and fruit set with resistance to stress and pre-fruit set.
  • It is used from the beginning of growth or the flowering stage until the end of the set or when needed to stimulate and increase flowering rates.
  • يزود النبات بالطاقه للقيام بالوظائف الحيويه ويحفز زياده النمو في القمم الناميه والتفرعات.
Usage rates:
  • Soil fertilization: Vegetables and open crops 1.25-2 kg/acre
  • Greenhouses: 1.5 – 2.5 kg/greenhouse
  • Other crops: 1.5 – 2.5 kg/acre
  • Pivot spraying: 5-6 kg/ha
  • Foliar spray: 1.5 – 2 kg/1000L water
Repetition and addition rate:

1-2 times a week depending on need and weather conditions.

  • phosphor:28٪
  • potassium:2٪
  • Nitrogen:16٪
  • Calcium:8%
Mixing with pesticides:

It is recommended to conduct a test before mixing it with any pesticide and to take into account the weather conditions and soil moisture when spraying, with the recommendation not to mix it with any pesticide before conducting a field experiment on a small part of the plant or crop.

Mixing with fertilizers:

Do not mix with phosphorus, sulfur, humic acid, seaweed, alkaline or acidic compounds.