
Birx 0-0-43

Potassium fertilizer in the form of flakes with high solubility, almost twice the amount of water as a solvent, easy and quickly absorbed, and contains a high percentage of potassium and organic matter chemically linked with a direct effect on the vital activity of plants and trees as well as the fruit set in terms of size and type.

  • It increases the size of the fruits. It is one of the best fertilizers and sources of potassium in increasing the fruit yield of vegetables, crops, fruits and citrus fruits.
  • It helps to colour the fruits and increase the dry matter in the fruits such as sugars and starches.
  • It is used from the beginning of the contract until the end of harvesting the crop and fruits.
  • It improves the taste and quality of fruits because it contains a high percentage of organic matter linked to potassium.
  • Effective in most climates and agricultural soils, especially cold climates and alkaline and saline soils.
Usage rates:

Soil fertilization

  • Open field crops: 1.5-2 kg/acre Greenhouses: 1.75-2 kg/greenhouse
  • Fruit trees: 1.5 – 2 kg/acre Bananas and palm trees: 2.0 – 2.25/acre
  • Pivot spray: 5-6 kg/ha Foliar spray: 1-2 kg/1000 liters of water
Repetition and addition rate

1-2 times a week depending on need and weather conditions.

Organic matter






Mixing with pesticides:

It is recommended to conduct a test before mixing it with any pesticide and to take into account the weather conditions and soil moisture when spraying, with the recommendation not to mix it with any pesticide before conducting a field experiment on a small part of the plant or crop.

Mixing with fertilizers:

Mix only with phosphorus, potash or urea compounds.